“童趣风车”竞赛获胜!“无限之环”展厅方案抢鲜,“烟波涟漪”斩获 A&D Awards银奖 您所在的位置:网站首页 wizard word官网 “童趣风车”竞赛获胜!“无限之环”展厅方案抢鲜,“烟波涟漪”斩获 A&D Awards银奖

“童趣风车”竞赛获胜!“无限之环”展厅方案抢鲜,“烟波涟漪”斩获 A&D Awards银奖

2023-03-11 23:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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项目 Projects

方案胜选 | 平湖儿童青少年中心


The "Playful Pinwheel" design proposal by LYCS Architecture stood out in the conceptual design competition for the Pinghu Children and Youth Center in Zhejiang and won the championship!


The total building area of the project is approximately 59,129 square meters. Located in an important area of Pinghu city and will become a landmark cultural complex that includes public cultural facilities such as museums, science and technology museums, youth centers, theaters, exhibition halls, and women's and children's centers.

项目方案 | “无限之环”海亮铜箔展示中心


LYCS Architecture unveils the design proposal for the copper foil exhibition center designed for the Fortune 500 company, Hailiang Group.


The project is located in Lanzhou, Gansu Province. The exhibition hall is designed with the concept of an "Infinite ring." It uses annular curve elements throughout the space and multimedia content to highlight the fluidity and sense of the future of the exhibition hall. The application of a copper color theme echoes the star product of the factory——high-performance copper foil material, combined with multimedia devices to increase the interactivity and sense of ceremony between people and information, bring visitors an immersive viewing experience, and further understand the whole process of Hailiang and Hailiang Smart Manufacturing.

项目动态 | “无界对话乌龙江”三江科技产业园

“无界对话乌龙江” 是零壹城市为福建三松集团设计的科技产业园,日前幕墙阶段接近完工。

"Dialogue with Wulong River"is a technology industrial park designed by LYCS Architecture for the Fujian SANSONG GROUP. Recently, the curtain wall stage is nearing completion.


The project is in the Haixi High-tech Industrial Park in Fuzhou City. The design emphasizes the dialogue relationship between the buildings on the site and the Wulong River, using the essence of 'corresponding scenery.' The building volume is maximally stretched and twisted along the side mountain walls to open towards the Wulong River, forming an opening facing the river view.

项目动态 | “层叠的项链” 花印国际创新中心


The Huayin International Innovation Center designed by LYCS Architecture for HANAJIRUSHI has recently entered the curtain wall stage, and the construction progress is smooth.


The design fully embodies HANAJIRUSHI 's concept of 'inspiring women's unique beauty.' The façade design is inspired by the 'layered necklace' of jewelry, extracting the elements of 'layering' and 'soft lines,' using aluminum panel components to form staggered curves, and each main building responds to each other with curves to develop a dynamic continuity, creating a vibrant and stunning visual impact.

项目动态 | “生命科学的引擎” 杭州湾智慧医疗产业园


The façade phase of the Hangzhou Smart Medical Park, designed by LYCS Architecture, is nearing completion and the construction progress is going smoothly.


The design concept of Hangzhou Smart Medical Park focuses on production safety, a people-oriented spirit, and a green ecological approach. Regarding spatial structure planning, it breaks away from the traditional single factory layout. It designs a series of functions such as offices, conferences, and commerce in a linked manner, forming a semi-enclosed shared courtyard. It combines public space elements such as square landscapes, covered corridors, and leisure terraces to create a three-dimensional and diverse community living space with rich levels.

项目落成 | “社交长廊”金昌启亚北海皇家海湾公馆架空层设计近日,零壹城市为金昌启亚打造的“社交长廊”北海皇家海湾公馆架空层设计正式落成!项目位于广西省会北海,周边景观资源丰富,气候宜人,更曾是古代“海上丝绸之路”的重要始发港。

Recently, LYCS Architecture completed the design of the elevated level for the "Social Corridor" of the JINCHANGQIYA Royal Bay Mansion in Beihai. The project is located in Beihai, the capital city of Guangxi Province, surrounded by abundant scenic resources and enjoys a pleasant climate. It is also an important starting port of the ancient "Maritime Silk Road."


The original space planning has a relatively low utilization rate and cannot meet the daily activity needs of residents. The renovation aims to improve the actual community living environment, create diverse social activity spaces for homeowners, and enrich the community life outside their homes. The design combines the advantages of the three-sided open space of the original elevated layer, using the strategies of "internal and external communication" and "dynamic and static zoning" to divide the social space into various types, such as open, semi-open, and enclosed. The leisure courtyard (functional area) and the corridor (elevated layer) are overlaid, bringing the outdoor landscape into the indoor gallery and creating a functionally distinct and naturally comfortable courtyard community.

喜讯 News

项目发布 |“绿野仙踪”金昌蒙德斐尔.幼儿园


The KINCANG Modern Pre-school designed by LYCS Architecture on both exterior and interior, has been officially released. Baesd on the concept of "The Wizard of Oz", the building is divided into six white "cabins", the cabins face the river and sit on an undulating "green carpet", "white cabins" and "green carpet" skillfully hide part of the building, creating a multi-dimensional activity space, hides the building in nature, recreating the sense of innocence and naivety of the movie The Wizard of Oz in the real world.



Recently, the A&D Awards announced the winners of the awards at the awards ceremony held in Hong Kong. Among nearly a thousand entries from all over the world, the "Ripples on the shore" Semi-detached House designed by LYCS Architecture stood out and won the Silver Award in the Best Residential/Single Home category!

A&D 设计大奖由《PERSPECTIVE 透视杂志》创办,致力于表彰亚太及其他地区在建筑、室内、产品设计和创新科技方面的杰出成就,是亚洲及大中华区备受瞩目的设计奖项之一。

The A&D Design Award, founded by "PERSPECTIVE Magazine," aims to recognize outstanding achievements in architecture, interior design, product design, and innovative technology in the Asia-Pacific and other regions. It is one of the most prominent design awards in Asia and Greater China region.


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